Company history

Company history

Company history

Erocon journey of three decades of School Consulting & Architecture

  • 1992

    Our parent Company Erose Educational Infotech Pvt Ltd is established

    Erocon, one of the best educational consulting firms as you know of it today, was the brainchild of the multifaceted educational organization Erose Educational Infotech Pvt Ltd. Erose was established in 1992 with the vision to establish benchmark schools across the world

  • 2000

    Erocon inducted as a dedicated wing for consulting schools

    This was the time when Erose felt like they were capable of providing value-added services in the area of imparting of knowledge which existed then. They were acquiring stability while expanding at the same time with the introduction of a new horizon of educational consultancy services.

  • 2007

    6 + Turnkey Projects | 43 + Clients | 11 + Affiliation Projects

    Erocon had already become an established brand by then. While undertaking its services and based on a lot of backend research, we realized that there was a huge gap in the understanding on the know-how for an educational institution to be planned and what approach or methodology to resort to establishing a successful school venture. Erocon was established as a dedicated educational consultancy firm to create benchmark schools having the right mix of infrastructure, curriculum, exposure and outcome.

  • 2012

    129 + Clients | 21 + Turnkey Projects | 5 + Architecture Projects | 11 + Affiliation Projects

    As rightly anticipated, the reception of Erocon’s school consulting service was overwhelming and everyone wanted a piece of our expertise. Within limited span, we were able to create a niche for our services. The education entrepreneurs were now interested to invest in market research and proper hand-holding by top educational consultants. Sooner, our expertise was deemed essential before laying the foundation of school ventures. The word was loud and clear, we were here to stay.

  • 2017

    293 + Clients | 44 + Turnkey Projects | 18 + Architecture Projects | 81 + Affiliation Projects

  • 2023

    791 + Clients | 107 + Turnkey Projects | 121 + Architecture Projects | 179 + Affiliation Projects | 2800 cr, net Worth of Consulting Projects for the financial year 2023-2024

    The net worth of projects does not include cost of Land

Looking back at the beginning of our journey

Erocon school consultants

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